134 research outputs found

    Differential Effects of Non-REM and REM Sleep on Memory Consolidation?

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    Sleep benefits memory consolidation. Previous theoretical accounts have proposed a differential role of slow-wave sleep (SWS), rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, and stage N2 sleep for different types of memories. For example the dual process hypothesis proposes that SWS is beneficial for declarative memories, whereas REM sleep is important for consolidation of non-declarative, procedural and emotional memories. In fact, numerous recent studies do provide further support for the crucial role of SWS (or non-REM sleep) in declarative memory consolidation. However, recent evidence for the benefit of REM sleep for non-declarative memories is rather scarce. In contrast, several recent studies have related consolidation of procedural memories (and some also emotional memories) to SWS (or non-REM sleep)-dependent consolidation processes. We will review this recent evidence, and propose future research questions to advance our understanding of the role of different sleep stages for memory consolidation

    Polymer-Coated Gold Nanospheres Do Not Impair the Innate Immune Function of Human B Lymphocytes in Vitro

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    Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are intended for use within a variety of biomedical applications due to their physicochemical properties. Although, in general, biocompatibility of GNPs with immune cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells is well established, the impact of GNPs on B lymphocyte immune function remains to be determined. Since B lymphocytes play an important role in health and disease, the suitability of GNPs as a B cell-targeting tool is of high relevance. Thus, we provide information on the interactions of GNPs with B lymphocytes. Herein, we exposed freshly isolated human B lymphocytes to a set of well-characterized and biomedically relevant GNPs with distinct surface (polyethylene glycol (PEG), PEG/poly(vinyl alcohol) (PEG/PVA)) and shape (spheres, rods) characteristics. Polymer-coated GNPs poorly interacted with B lymphocytes, in contrast to uncoated GNPs. Importantly, none of the GNPs significantly affected cell viability, even at the highest concentration of 20 μg/mL over a 24 h suspension exposure period. Furthermore, none of the nanosphere formulations affected the expression of activation markers (CD69, CD86, MHC II) of the naive B lymphocytes, nor did they cause an increase in the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines ( i.e. , IL-6, IL-1β). However, the absence of polymer coating on the sphere GNPs and the rod shape caused a decrease in IL-6 cytokine production by activated B lymphocytes, suggesting a functional impairment. With these findings, the present study contributes imperative knowledge toward the safe-by-design approaches being conducted to benefit the development of nanomaterials, specifically those as theranostic tools

    Effectiveness of a non-fluoridated dentifrice in control of Streptococcus mutans in vitro

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    Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia de um dentifrício, que contém em sua composição extratos vegetais e xilitol para inibição de Streptococcus mutans (UA159). Materiais e método: para verificação da atividade antimicrobiana, foram realizados ensaios in vitro de difusão de ágar, baseados na metodologia da norma M2A8 Anvisa. O estudo foi feito utilizando inóculo de 108 UFC/mL da cepa de S. mutans. O princípio básico foi a difusão de uma solução de dentifrício na superfície do ágar a partir de um disco impregnado. O ensaio foi realizado utilizando como controle negativo água deionizada estéril e como controle positivo clorexidina 0,12%, e foram comparados aos dentifrícios Orgânico Natural® e Colgate Total 12®. O resultado foi analisado a partir da medição dos halos de inibição (mm). Resultados: a clorexidina 0,12% teve maior halo de inibição (21,08 ± 1,02), seguida do dentifrício Orgânico Natural® (11,33 ± 4,35) e do dentifrício Colgate Total 12 (3,93 ± 4,67) P<0,05. Conclusão: a inibição da cepa de S. mutans evidenciada neste ensaio in vitro demonstra o potencial antimicrobiano do dentifrício Orgânico Natural®, mesmo como um possível auxiliar no controle do biofilme dental cariogênico.Objective: the goal was to evaluate the effectiveness of a dentifrice that has a chemical composition of plant extracts and xylitol to inhibit the Streptococcus mutans (UA159). Materials and methods: based on the methodology of the M2A8 Anvisa standard, in vitro agar diffusion assays were performed to verify antimicrobial activity. The study was carried out using inoculum of 108 CFU / mL of S. mutans strain. The principle was the diffusion of a dentifrice solution on the agar surface, from a disc impregnated therewith. The assay was performed using as a negative control the sterile deionized water, 0.12% chlorhexidine as a positive control compared to Orgânico Natural® and Colgate Total 12® toothpastes. The result was analyzed from the inhibition halos measurement (mm). Results: the chlorhexidine 0.12% had the biggest inhibition halo (21,08 ± 1,02) followed by the Orgânico Natural® dentifrice (11,33 ± 4,35) and the Colgate Total 12® dentifrice (3,93 ± 4,67) P<0,05. Conclusion: the inhibition of the S. mutans strain realized in these in vitro assay by the Orgânico Natural® dentifrice demonstrate the antimicrobial potential of the same as a possible aid in the control of the cariogenic dental biofilm

    Sex-dependent dissociation between emotional appraisal and memory: a large-scale behavioral and fMRI study

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    Extensive evidence indicates that women outperform men in episodic memory tasks. Furthermore, women are known to evaluate emotional stimuli as more arousing than men. Because emotional arousal typically increases episodic memory formation, the females' memory advantage might be more pronounced for emotionally arousing information than for neutral information. Here, we report behavioral data from 3398 subjects, who performed picture rating and memory tasks, and corresponding fMRI data from up to 696 subjects. We were interested in the interaction between sex and valence category on emotional appraisal, memory performances, and fMRI activity. The behavioral results showed that females evaluate in particular negative (p &lt; 10(-16)) and positive (p = 2 × 10(-4)), but not neutral pictures, as emotionally more arousing (pinteraction &lt; 10(-16)) than males. However, in the free recall females outperformed males not only in positive (p &lt; 10(-16)) and negative (p &lt; 5 × 10(-5)), but also in neutral picture recall (p &lt; 3.4 × 10(-8)), with a particular advantage for positive pictures (pinteraction &lt; 4.4 × 10(-10)). Importantly, females' memory advantage during free recall was absent in a recognition setting. We identified activation differences in fMRI, which corresponded to the females' stronger appraisal of especially negative pictures, but no activation differences that reflected the interaction effect in the free recall memory task. In conclusion, females' valence-category-specific memory advantage is only observed in a free recall, but not a recognition setting and does not depend on females' higher emotional appraisal

    Bariatric surgery in women in reproductive age: recommendations from the “Diabetes and Pregnancy” and “Diabetes and Obesity” working committees from the Argentine Society of Diabetes

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    El incremento de la obesidad en el mundo, a edades más tempranas, ha tenido un impacto negativo especialmente en las mujeres en edad reproductiva. Se ven afectadas tanto la fertilidad como la tasa de embarazos de riesgo, de niños con bajo peso al nacer, pretérmino e índice de cesáreas. La cirugía bariátrica como alternativa de tratamiento de la obesidad ha mejorado la fertilidad, pero el trastorno malabsortivo que provoca modifica la absorción de nutrientes en la madre y en el feto. El diagnóstico de diabetes gestacional se dificulta dado que la prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa estaría contraindicada en estos casos. El objetivo de estas recomendaciones es proveer herramientas para el control y seguimiento de mujeres en edad reproductiva sometidas a cirugía bariátrica.Worldwide increased obesity prevalence at early ages particularly affects women of reproductive ages. Both fertility and risk pregnancy rates are affected, of low birth weight infants, prematures and cesarean section rates have been modified considerably. Bariatric surgery is a validated tool to improve fertility but nutrient malabsorption as a consequence of surgery could affect mother and fetus nutrition and development. Gestational diabetes diagnosis turns difficult in this group of obese patients after bariatric surgery since oral glucose tolerance testing would be contraindicated in these cases. The aim of these recommendations was to offer tools for a good control and follow up of women at reproductive age.Fil: Gutt, Susana. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Rovira, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Sede Hospital Britanico Bs.as; ArgentinaFil: Jawerbaum, Alicia Sandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Espinoza, Frank. Instituto Cardiovascular Lezica; ArgentinaFil: Mociulsky, Juliana. Clínica de Nutrición y Salud Dr. Cormillot; ArgentinaFil: Sucani, Stella. Provincia de Misiones. Hospital Escuela de Agudos Dr. Ramon Madariaga; ArgentinaFil: Kojdamanian, Verónica. Centro de Educación, Prevención y Asistencia al paciente diabético; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre Ackermann, Marianela. Centro Integral de Endocrinología y Nutrición; ArgentinaFil: Álvarez, María Graciela. Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de la Obesidad Severa; ArgentinaFil: Camaño, Alejandro. Centro Médico de Especialidades y Diagnósticos Privado para la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Glatstein, Liliana. Centro Médico San Andrés; ArgentinaFil: Lifszyc, Paula. Hospital Carlos G. Durand; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Martin, Carolina. Centro Integral de Endocrinología y Diabetes; ArgentinaFil: Mendes, Patricio. Maternidad San Lucas; ArgentinaFil: Menéndez, Estrella. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas Norberto Quirno; ArgentinaFil: Yuma, María. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Bertona, Celina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Cafaro, Lilia. Obesidad y Cirugía Mini Invasiva; ArgentinaFil: Fuentes, Susana. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad En Red El Cruce Dr. Nestor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Salzberg, Susana. Instituto Centenario; ArgentinaFil: Basualdo, Natalia. Hospital Materno Infantil Ramón Sardá; ArgentinaFil: González, Sandra . Cínica IMA; ArgentinaFil: Villarroel Parra, Beatriz. Hospital de Agudos Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield; Argentina. Sanatorio Santa Isabel; ArgentinaFil: Musso, Carla. Fundacion Favaloro; Argentin

    Psychosocial Stress Before a Nap Increases Sleep Latency and Decreases Early Slow-Wave Activity

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    Sleep disturbances are an important risk factor for stress-related diseases such as burnout or depression. In particular, slow-wave activity (SWA) during sleep might be eminently relevant for optimal maintenance of mental health and cognitive functioning. In spite of the clinical importance and the pertinence of stress-related processes in everyday life, the physiological mechanisms of the association between stress, sleep, and cognition are not well-understood. In the present study, we carefully mapped the time course of the influence of a psychosocial stressor on sleep architecture and sleep-related oscillations during a midday nap. We induced stress using a psychosocial laboratory stressor, the Montreal Imaging Stress Task, vs. a neutral control task. Afterward, participants were allowed to take a 90-min nap (n = 20) or stayed awake (n = 19) and cortisol was measured via saliva samples. We hypothesized that stress would decrease sleep efficiency and SWA in a time-dependent manner, with impairing effects on cognitive functioning. Psychosocial stress resulted in increased cortisol levels, which were elevated throughout the study interval. In the nap group, psychosocial stress increased sleep latency, but had only minor effects on sleep architecture. Still, SWA in the first 30 min of sleep was significantly reduced, whereas alpha activity was enhanced. These effects vanished after approximately 30 min. No impairing effect on cognitive functioning occurred. Our results show that psychosocial stress before sleep has an impact on sleep latency and early SWA during sleep. In contrast to our hypothesis, the effects were rather small and short-lasting. Importantly, cognitive functioning was maintained. We conclude that the effects of psychosocial stress before a nap are possibly better compensated than previously believed

    Attribute zur gesamtheitlichen Charakterisierung der Wahrnehmung von Straßenverkehrsgeräuschen

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    Die Lärmwirkungsforschung beschäftigt sich bereits seit vielen Jahren mit der Belastung durch Verkehrsgeräusche und den dadurch hervorgerufenen extra-auralen Lärmwirkungen einschließlich der Lärmbelästigung. Dabei wird die Belästigung üblicherweise in den Zusammenhang zum gemittelten Schalldruckpegel (z.B. LAeq, LDEN) der unerwünschten Geräuschquelle gestellt und Dosis-Wirkungsrelationen abgeleitet. Die Wirkung wird demnach nahezu ausschließlich mit dem Grad der Belästigung beschrieben und eine differenzierte Betrachtung der verschiedenen Aspekte der Geräuschwahrnehmung erfolgt nich

    Lunar cycle effects on sleep and the file drawer problem

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    Contains fulltext : 135956.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)Popular beliefs about the influence of the full moon on humans exist, although no solid evidence has so far confirmed these ideas [1]. Cajochen et al.[2] recently presented fascinating data on lunar cycle effects on human sleep. However, in a re-analysis of sleep electroencephalography (EEG) data in three large samples, we were unable to replicate their findings. In addition, we identified further mostly unpublished null findings, suggesting that the conflicting results might be an example of a publication bias (i.e., the file drawer problem).2 p

    Evaluation of lifestyle interventions to treat elevated cardiometabolic risk in primary care (E-LITE): a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Efficacy research has shown that intensive individual lifestyle intervention lowers the risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome. Translational research is needed to test real-world models of lifestyle interventions in primary care settings.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>E-LITE is a three-arm randomized controlled clinical trial aimed at testing the feasibility and potential effectiveness of two lifestyle interventions: information technology-assisted self-management, either alone or in combination with care management by a dietitian and exercise counselor, in comparison to usual care. Overweight or obese adults with pre-diabetes and/or metabolic syndrome (n = 240) recruited from a community-based primary care clinic are randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions. Treatment will last 15 months and involves a three-month intensive treatment phase followed by a 12-month maintenance phase. Follow-up assessment occurs at three, six, and 15 months. The primary outcome is change in body mass index. The target sample size will provide 80% power for detecting a net difference of half a standard deviation in body mass index at 15 months between either of the self-management or care management interventions and usual care at a two-sided α level of 0.05, assuming up to a 20% rate of loss to 15-month follow-up.</p> <p>Secondary outcomes include glycemic control, additional cardiovascular risk factors, and health-related quality of life. Potential mediators (e.g., treatment adherence, caloric intake, physical activity level) and moderators (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, baseline mental status) of the intervention's effect on weight change also will be examined.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will provide objective evidence on the extent of reductions in body mass index and related cardiometabolic risk factors from two lifestyle intervention programs of varying intensity that could be implemented as part of routine health care.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NCT00842426</p